Wednesday, April 30, 2014

poster runner

For this project I cut the girl out of the picture. Then I used a gaussian blur to blur the background. I then made four paintbrush letters that said conquer, doubt, impossible, and strong. I played with the size of each word and made their color different colors from her body. I spread them out behind her. Finally, I made a quote and underlined "doubt".

words of encouragement

Thursday, April 24, 2014

black and white color splash

I found a solitary flower. Then I turned the whole picture white. I got my eraser and I erased inside the flower to reveal the true flower color. Finally I zoomed in and touched up the edges.

early morning mist

I found a landscape picture. I applied photo filter to cause the orange sunrise effect. I then used a soft brush with a low opacity to paint a white mist over the lower portion of this picture.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


In this picture I learned how to add a vintage effect. I added brightness, color balance, and levels. I then added a cream colored layer over the picture and then applied a multiply effect to it so it would become more transparent.


For this rain effect I found a cloudy image. I added a layer and turned it black. Then I went to fibers and turned the variance up and the strength down a bit. I then adjusted the opacity. Lastly I went to motion blur and adjusted the distance and angle of the rain.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

full body silhouette and background

I learned how to fade different stamps by making a new layer with each stamp and turning each opacity down. I learned how to make a cloud appearance. I learned how to put the silhouette on top of everything so none of the effects I added would effect her.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Second gif

For this gif I wrote each letter of my name in a different layer and then added a picture of me at the end. I had each layer last point five seconds and my picture last point five seconds as well.